I post this not because I wrote it recently, but because I wrote it sometime ago, may have read it once or twice at a Get Born reading and have been meaning to continue on with more "symptoms".
Symptom #1
Fear wrote the book
had it published
Did promotional
Ignorance did legwork
Swallowed it
Wore for a wrap
As love flew last birdsy
Look see
Choking on life’s pesticide
Daddy likes children
Poison invites poison
Cancer throws party
all cum
Wallowing in noise
Mickey Mouse gives a reach around
see average
Going about day
Blowing leaves
Not content
that breeze
would do it
more peacefully
That will kill
Be the death of leisure.
The deconomics of introspection
confuses spirit
everyday confusion
lathers dead souls
keeps remote control sales up.
Put faith in lazy ballot system.
three-hour commute and
microwaved dinner
feed dog horse
melt together
Yummy churchstate toast!
drowned in task
dig grave, lover
Scratch at the lid
of coffin
dust into gasping lungs
There’s brilliance
a blazing inferno
gathering to see end.
Enamored with results
too lazy to ask why
Seek easy answer
Dream of brighter tomesterday
Happy sorrow yesmorrow mustard gas
Blossoms and wafts sweetly
Clickle tit
Tickle clit
Smile child
While spitting
Pay to swallow
A most fascinating subject
Still a glimmering
Hope a fuzzed-out
a muted and distorted signal
Sure answer there
Sit distracted
Eat popcorn cheese whiz
Pray first down…
capture villain…
release hostage…
prayers be heard
From damsel with nice onions
Answered in multi-vitamin
Fear evil
But promote
Swallow facsimile
Sprinkle granulated nothing
On false hope regurgitates
Building idols of illusion
scorning the
who step aside.
Asking forgiveness while
Strangling squeezing
Last bones in
white gloves clenched
whores open minds
And there are always happy endings.
Daddy likes feculence
Makes deal
Snorkels with lemmings.Brett Lars Underwood, 2006
This is effective and interesting. I assume the computer garbage language is a cut and paste artifact from Word? It almost kind of works.