Two of my poems will appear in issue 5 of
Bad Shoe Press Louis on Tuesday, March 15th:
Here are the deets:
On March 15th (the Ides of March), St. Louis lit mag Bad Shoe will release its 5th issue, hosted by
the Archive bookstore at 3215 Cherokee Street.
This is a special issue of the lit mag, which is the only periodical publication for emerging and eminent lady writers and artists in St. Louis. For the first time, the editors are publishing male perspectives on femininity.
Authors/artists in Issue #5:
Jacob Cohen
Tony Renner
Mary Phillips
Kelli Allen
Matthew Freeman
Phil Gounis
Erin Nihiser
Byron Lee
Brett Underwood
Bob Reuter
Aaron P. Ruiz
Christopher Alex Chable
Christine Callahan
Carrie Keasler
Nicky Rainey
Joe Sulier
Erin WilesMany of the authors published will be reading excerpts of their work at the release
Matthew Freeman and
the Skekses providing musical entertainment. Doors are at 7, reading starts at 8.
The Cherokee Peach will sell snacks, wine, beer, and handmade sodas, and
the Archive will also be open for book sales.
Bad Shoe Issue 5 will be available at the special release price of $8.
APRIL 15TH: Check out Bicycle Review will publish two of my pieces! My first out-of-town recognition outside of the world of zines.
Saturday, March 26th at 7 p.m....
Regional Arts Commission (6128 Delmar Blvd--across from the Pagaent)
FOUR POETS AND A BUSKERSherman S. Sherman opens the show with some of his songs from
Fred's Variety Group,
Good Griefs and
Peck of Dirt
Reading will be:
MATTHEW FREEMAN woke up to find himself a poet as he was a teenager ruined with love. he then took off for alaska, new york, texas, writing and singing all the way. after visiting various institutions he's now in a different one: he's about to graduate from st louis uni...versity with an english degree. his third book, darkness never far, was recently reissued in hardcover. he has also just begun his teaching career.
STEFENE RUSSELL is the former co-editor of Prinsesstarta and 52nd City literary magazines, and is currently the Culture Editor at St. Louis Magazine. She is also a member of Poetry Scores (, an arts collective devoted to translating poetry into other media, and Otis Nebula Literary Syndicate (, a publishing project operated by working writers dedicated to serving living word, sound, and image to which commercial concerns are always subordinate.
BRETT LARS UNDERWOOD is a bartender and a gadabout who writes, promotes and produces happenings and mishaps. He's quicker with the stink eye than verbal reprimands and favors the brushback pitch over preemptive warfare. Once upon a time, he co-published a ‘zine entitled
LICK MY SQUAGGLE NOOSE, CLAM TICK. He penned Zen koans for THE RIVERFRONT TIMES and ST. LOUIS MAGAZINE as well as many journals of suburbia.
For several years he produced and hosted
KDHX' The No Show and the annual event
His verse and riddles have been published by
52nd City, Bad Shoe Press (March 15th),
The Bicycle Review (April 15th) and included in
FLOOD STAGE: An Anthology of Saint Louis Poets.
KEN BROWN wass born in Missouri- left town at nineteen...Returned twenty-one years later after Minnesota, Maine, and Mississippi in a tent, Montana, Morocco- where he lived with a prostitute afflicted with polio. Normandy, Madrid, Grecian Islands- despondent- to upstate New York across the country in a Honda- through Mexico- Vegas- Santa Monica for four years doing laundry for a living then dog-sitting at the Ding Dong... Wound up in
Australia-Perth- the out-bush for nine months- Hell’s Angels blew up land- went broke- made ten thousand dollars on Karma Kards- fell in love for the thirteenth time- engaged-Kicked out of Australia- published in 45 periodicals- wound up back where he started.
The reading at Duff's scheduled for Monday, March 28th got bumped, so boo-hoo. other news, I will read as part of a performance with
Hearding Cats Collective, including poetry from
Anna Lum,
Stefene Russell,
Treasure Williams and myself...this will be morphed into a program called Kyma, manned by the one-and-only
Rich O'Donnell and accompanied by Rich and
Zimbabwe NKenya on various Floating Laboratories on Saturday, April 16th.